ROMA Collaborative Principals and staff approach the implementation of projects with conviction that, through excellence in design and an in-depth understanding of the urban context, we can best achieve the objectives and programmatic requirements of our clients. We are strategic thinkers that look to a cost effective path forward that meets multiple objectives at the same time and that generates positive change in the district, neighborhoods and the cities that they are located in. We believe in an approach that explores alternatives in an iterative fashion and seeks to identify the optimized solution and that allow for the interactive engagement of our clients, other team members and, as appropriate, financial, regulatory and other agencies that may have a say in project outcomes.

Our process involves a careful study of the intrinsic characteristics of place to create structure and authentic identity.  We test the three dimensional implications of design on human scale and experience, “work out” buildings and open spaces so that the results are not only meaningful and beautiful but realizable.  We seek ways of restoring nature in the city and to create more healthy, vibrant and enduring landscapes. And, most importantly, we work collaboratively as part of a team with our clients and with the community to create communities with high levels of quality, livability and sustainability.